Bell Schedules
Library Online Catalog
Library Calendar
The Announcements Show
South City Sports Channel
SSFHS Performances
IC for Teachers
Webmail: District
Absence Management
Facility Use Form
The SchoolLoop App is available for Parents and Students!
Go to your APP Store or Google Play to get SchoolLoop on your phone or device.
EBT Card!
SSFHS BAND BOOSTERS Meetings are held on the Second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in Room M1-Band Room. Support the Band & Auxiliary Program.
2nd Tuesday, 6:30 PM
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Parent - Teacher - Student Association
PTSA Meetings are the Fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Replacement IDs are available in the LIC for $5.00.
See Ms. Mitchell at lunch, or before or after school.
Everything South City: Local News and Community Website
SSF PATCH : Local News and Community Website
San Mateo Daily Journal: Peninsula News and Sports
SF Examiner: Local News - Search on South San Francisco!
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SSFHS Office Schedule
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Grade 9 - Thursday, August 6, 2023
Grade 10 - Friday, August 7, 2023
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Grade 12 - Tuesday, August 11, 2023
Registration Packet turn in will take place at
SSFHS in the
Cafeteria between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm
Please come on your day!
Please remember to wear a face covering
and practice social distancing while on campus.
Any students who need to speak to their counselor must first call the Counseling Office 650.877.8763. This request is in place due to COVID-19 and social distancing requirements.
Thank you so much for your participation in our surveys!
Greetings South San Francisco Community and Warriors!
We are excited to share with you the early progress and findings of the Logo Committee, made up of current students and faculty members from South San Francisco High School.
In this time of transition and change, we are so encouraged by the continued participation and collaboration with current students, alumni, and community members. Two surveys, which each received hundreds of responses, have helped guide the committee’s decisions thus far. Both surveys were distributed via social media, email, and word of mouth.
The first survey asked participants to indicate what logo they would most like to see represent the South City brand. Of the options provided, 44 percent indicated Spartan or Trojan as their first choice. These findings will guide the branding branch of the committee to create a base logo. We are working on an agreement with a branding
company, which will enable us to choose variations of this base logo to incorporate the other top choices, including lettering and object symbolism.
The branding company will help manifest this vision, while still keeping the integrity of the original image and color scheme, establishing a unified platform schoolwide.
The second survey asked participants what “Warrior” means to them. Participants most often cited strength, bravery, and courage. We also received several narrative responses, detailing personal experiences within the South City community. As stories will help us incorporate these key ideas in the rebranding process, this second survey
remains open for responses.
Overall, our goal remains the same: to create a recognizable South City brand representative of the resilience of our community. Thank you for all your responses. We will continue to keep you updated.
South San Francisco High School
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Drive Through Graduation Pictures!
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South San Francisco High School Administrators, Faculty and Staff Proudly Present:
The Class of 2023 Warriors!
SSFHS English Language Arts Teachers
Of course, it's ALWAYS a good idea to read!
There is no specific requirement for the summer of 2023.
Scientific Poster presentations!
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Steam新加速工具:一键开关 告别101/103 - · 这段时间,Steam的101、103问题很恼人,之前曾有Steamcn论坛“羽翼城”发布过一款专修工具,用伍解决该问题。现在Steamcn论坛用户jsq2627也发布了一款 ...
SPECIAL Congratulations to our students who were recognized with Honorable Mentions on the virtual Awards Presentation, Wednesday, May 13th:
Alysia Tanimura, Sofia Gomez - Saving the Bay and San Bruno Mountain
手机vpn加速软件Dolores Huerta: Breaking Barriers in Farming and Feminism
Links to projects are here: Virtual Showcase Link
It's a record setting year for History Day at South City: this is the first year we've had websites make it to the finals and this many projects in the finals!
Congratulations to our scholars who finalized their work on their own during COVID-19 isolation and attended the Zoom competition!
State History Day Finalists
Group Web
- Veonna Bolisay, Micaela Bautista, Bibiane Huang and Kimberly Concepcion - Chemotherapy: The Chemical Weapon Breaking Medicine Barriers
- Jesse Salumbides, Callia Tang - Aletta Jacobs: Contradicting Conception
- Alysia Tanimura, Sofia Gomez - Saving the Bay and San Bruno Mountain
- Jason Kwong, Patrick Bautista, Isabelle Abedajos, and Gabriel Zara
The Rise of the Unions, a Fight Against Injustice: The Breakage of Barriers of the 1934 San Francisco General Strike
Individual Exhibit
- Liliana Gonzalez Nava - Dolores Huerta: Breaking Barriers in Farming and Feminism
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California Department of Education has a new website for mental health resources, including links for students to get direct access to mental health professionals.
until July 28
Registration for Fall 2023 to attend
South San Francisco High School
will take place on
Thursdays from 9am to 12 noon
Who needs to register?
- Students moving into the South San Francisco High School boundary 手机vpn加速软件
- 8th grade students from private, religious schools
- Students moving back to South City (transferring from another school)
Who does NOT need to register?
- Students from district middle schools: Westborough, Parkway or Alta Loma 8th grade students entering 9th grade in the Fall of 2023 DO NOT need to register
- Returning students who attended SSFHS in 19-20 school year
Admisiones e Inscripciones para el próximo ciclo escolar 2023-2021
Las inscripciones en SSFHS se realizarán los jueves de 9am a 12pm. (Abril 23 a Mayo 28)
- Nuevos estudiantes que se mudan a South San Francisco y viven dentro del los limites de la escuela San Francisco High School.
- Estudiantes de octavo grado de escuelas privadas o religiosas.
- Estudiantes que se transfieren de otra escuela.
¿Quién NO necesita registrarse?
- Estudiantes de escuelas intermedias del distrito: Westborough, Parkway o Alta Loma.
- Estudiantes que asistieron a SSFHS en el año escolar 19-20.
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Due to the current circumstances, students may use this link to request transcripts while school is closed. This will allow the registrar to send transcripts electronically to colleges and universities.
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Here's the link to request a transcript
Here are the HELP links:
Student Resource: Creating a Parchment Account
Student Resource: Ordering a Transcript
Congratulations to our 2023 Genentech FutureLab Scholarship Winners!
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Jacqueline Cadena Jasso was awarded $6,500.
Jason Corona was awarded $2,000.
Sofia Grandov was awarded $2,000.
Queenie Lam was awarded $2,000.
These students will also receive guidance as they begin their college careers, and will be offered internships as they progress in their education.
Our heartfelt congratulations to these amazing SSFHS Seniors!
Thank you to Suzanne Lee and her Genentech team, and the generosity of Genentech in their continued support of science and STEM education in South San Francisco! Resources
Thank you, Mr. delaCruz, for keeping our students and families at the fore of all you do!
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Ballet Folklorico Alma de Mexico traveled to Disneyland and California Adventure to perform March 12-14. The trip was hampered by both rain and COVID-19 closing the parks on Saturday the 14th.
Students and parents still had some fun at both parks, even in the rain. For many students, their first time at Disneyland, will always be a great memory!
Thanks for representing South City!
Thank you to all the students who showed up prepared and all the staff, faculty and alums who volunteered to judge.
推进工业互联网新基建发展_物联网频道_中国青年网:2021-6-12 · 近期,国家发改委明确新基建范围,提出“伍新发展理念为引领、伍技术创新为驱动、伍信息网络为基础,面向高质量发展的需要,打造产业的升级、融合、创新的基础设施体系”的目标。中国工程院院士邬贺铨认为,新基建就是集约、高效、经济、实用、智能、绿色、安全、可靠的现伋化基础设施。
海南日报数字报-引进高端高效项目 伍转型促质效双优 - hinews:2021-3-28 · 为提升专业化招商水平,努力引进一批核心竞争力强、带动作用大、市场前景广阔并拉动上下游产业的优质项目和领军伋业落户高新区,3月27日,由海口国家高新区招商局牵头,审批局、经科局等多部门配合编写的《海口国家高新区产业发展指导目录》(修订稿)(伍下简称《指导目录》)出炉。
Jackie Speier visits
South San Francisco High School and the district were honored to host Congresswoman Jackie Speier and Professor Bernadette Meyler to discuss the consequences of the ongoing impeachment process and our Constitution.
Organized in conjunction with the San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE), the forum took place at the South San Francisco High School auditorium and was open to all residents of San Francisco and San Mateo Counties.
Congresswoman Speier represents California's 14th congressional district, which includes much of San Mateo County and a portion of San Francisco County.
Students and community members asked excellent questions about the Impeachment process and it was an engaging and informative evening. Thank you to those that helped make it happen!
宝马广告讽刺中国人了解世界要“翻墙”-伋业-财经频道-中工网:2021-8-14 · 中工网(记者 李行)就在北京准备纪念“中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年”盛典之时,北京街头出现了宝马公司子品牌MINI这样一则户外广告:“了解世界的两种方式,翻墙或者MINI”。
accepted to Global Glimpse 2023!
Ms. Chin and Ms. Muro are very excited to announce that 14 students have been accepted for the Global Glimpse Summer Program this year. They will represent SSFHS next summer as they travel to Ecuador, or the Dominican Republic, or Panama on a two-week trip to learn about the people, their culture, and themselves!!
Congratulations to:
- Alexandra Garcia
- Elias Lopez
- Audrey Garcia
- Diana Pinacho
- Kyle Garcia
- Julianne Santos
- Jessica Rangel-Cruz
- 手机vpn加速软件
- Isabella Sowers
- Samantha Sanchez
- Noelle Toy
- Joana Navarro
- KendallTaylor
- Jaymie Quiroz
Thank you for your support of these student ambassadors!
A GREAT thank you to our 2023 Ambassadors who are working with our new group of students: Amelie Cayton, Steven Hidalgo, and Richard Quiroz. Their hardwork and leadership skills are amazing.
Check out the latest in our
Click for larger Calendar!
Calendar is best in Chrome or Firefox browsers. Thanks!
Fundraiser & ICC CALENDAR
Support our school with your purchases through Amazon Smile
Parents of students who wish to play on SSFHS sports teams: There is a digital registration process to play sports. Please click on the link below. Then, click the "Register" button in the upper right corner of the login page. You will need your student's 9 digit Student ID and their official name.
24/7 Crisis Hotline: 800-273-TALK (8255)
San Mateo County Suicide Prevention Website
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Parent Resource Website from the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide
Students and Parents can register at for information about SATs, PSATs and AP testing.